Our Mission and Vision
Welcome to Friedberg Elementary School
Welcome! Friedberg Elementary School was completed in 2001
and opened immediately after Thanksgiving. The Friedberg Falcons have been soaring ever since. At Friedberg our motto is "Friedberg Falcons SOAR by being responsible, respectful, safe and successful." We look forward to soaring to even greater heights during our new school year!
Our Vision and Mission Statement
Friedberg Falcons SOAR
by being Responsible, Respectful, Safe,
& Successful
At Friedberg Elementary School, we are a family that works together to create a positive, safe, and respectful learning environment in which all children experience success and develop a love of learning.
Our Mission:
At Friedberg, we work together to...
*differentiate instruction to ensure the success of all students
* create an engaging and relevant learning environment
* build a school community in which we support and nurture one another