Principal's Page



Hello Friedberg Families!
Tricia Davis, Principal
I am honored to serve as principal at Friedberg Elementary School!  
I was born and raised in Davidson County. I have spent all 27 years of my professional career in DCS as a teacher, lead teacher, and administrator.  I have worked at Fair Grove, Hasty, Pilot, Friendship and most recently, Denton.  I am so excited to be a Friedberg Falcon!
Please do not hesitate to reach out to me anytime via email at [email protected] or via school phone at (336) 764-2059.  Remember to follow Friedberg Elementary School on Facebook to see all of the AWESOME things going on at Friedberg.  Also be sure to connect to Class Dojo to receive important information as well.  Your child's teacher can send you the invitation to connect.  
It is going to be a great year at Friedberg!